Welcome to my 1999 Pontiac Bonneville Web
I have Sold my car However I will keep all the info here as long as I can so everyone can read about and look at what I have done to my car while i have owned it. I have recently purchased a 2000 Trans AM WS 6
Click here for pics of my ride
Click here
for info about how to mod your bonny.
here to see me drag racing and see the list of the modifications
i have done to my bonny.
Click Here to see the Supercharged LS1 powered Monte Carlo LS and this awesome Monte Carlo SS
Click Here for my Chevrolet Montecarlo WebPage
Click here to see my new Trans Am WS6
NJ Monte Carlo's
If you have any ?'s or comments. email me at boseman00@email.com
Here is a free
plug to my friend hectors site. he sells lots of go fast goodies.